martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Happy vacations!


Terrorism is an act of violence that has occurred for many years. One example of that is the wars that occurred to conquer places. Today, the terrorism is more organized, but this is not a new organization. The reasons can be many, some are political, some are religious, and other cultural and other kinds.  But whatever the reason is the consequences are fatal and sad.

We can say that the terrorism is a form to change the order of the things. The terrorism, use the violence to hurt one or more persons and cause disorder to the peace to get benefits. Today, we can see more terrorist acts for a political reason. The lust for power has grown day by day and unfortunately some people decided the terrorist acts to achieve this power. One example of that occurred in Germany when Adolfo Hitler imposed a system where the torture, executions and forced labor were part of it.

The weapons that terrorist use to make terrorism acts are many. But curiously these groups prefer to use semiautomatic weapons that there can do a big disaster. But sometimes the weapons are incredible, like car bombs or people who make bombs. The traffic of weapons is indispensable for these groups, so we can say that one problem leads to other problem. And obviously and others weapons, and I think is the most famous by the attacks of September 11, is the use of weapons of common things to make this acts, for example, airplanes and trains. Other weapons are biological and chemical weapons.

We can't talk about terrorism without mentioning the acts of September 11, 2001. The fall of the World Trade Center is maybe the largest terrorist act in the humanity history. And it is the best example to see the consequences of the terrorism. Many innocent people died, and this acts change the peace, because this caused a war between Unites States and Afghanistan. Personally I think that the reason to their acts is other, and the version that we know is not the real version. Bush is a man that addicted to the power, and the acts occurred in a very rare way. Unfortunately, whatever the reason many innocent people died.

 The human being has been characterized as being uncomfortable. We don’t like they have peace and live the best possible way. Because of that, we can to see every year wars and terrorism acts. The society needs to change, and this is indispensable. If we don´t change and we don´t look for ways to live better and in peace, we will always be in danger. The human life is the most valuable thing that we can get. We need life to do things. It is sad see how some people think that the power is more important that our life. Just think please.


Globalization has many meanings and many kinds. In summarized we can say that the globalization is a phenomenon that is happening in the entire world and does not stop. Globalization is a process of unification caused by different process of socialization. Exist many kinds of globalization that including different themes of today's world. So exist for example economic globalization, technological globalization, cultural globalization and social globalization. The globalization brought to different consequences and is caused for different reason that you can read in this essay.

This phenomenon is very old. We can say that this process began when started the migration of peoples and made great geographical discoveries. Why we can believe that the globalization began in that time? It easy, if you read some articles of History, you can read that the large villages are imposed on the little villages and implanted there language, customs, religion and other kind of thing. So the humanity always has been under globalization effects. Currently he hear more about that phenomenon but some people believe that it is a new concept

Many are the reason that causes the globalization process and every day we have more reasons. The pour countries for example, have to change the market and improve their products if they want to compete and stay afloat. Other reason are the society, the human being always want that the other have.  So, for try to imitate to the other, humans buy even without the ability to do. Besides, some people believe in some religion only because friends and family believe in that religion. Those reasons are countless, but it is true that this phenomenon does not stop and in a few time we have only one culture.

Around this time that this process has been, we can see many differences and changes in the world. This differences and changes are consequences of globalization. We can see that know the markets have been unified, so the competition has increased and the poor countries have more difficulties to grow up. Besides, the natural resources have suffered wastage because the humans being just think to grow at the expense of whatever. Also some cultures have disappeared, because another culture absorbed it. These are some consequences about globalizations, but the consequences don´t stop.

I believe that not only is bad, globalization have been many advantages. For example globalization has made great contributions to communication. I think specially technological globalization has been very important for the humanity. For me the problem is not that process, because we have to be prepare for changes, for me that problem is that people completely forget who they are. People forgot they culture, religion, customs and that is not correct.

Jail Sentences

The respect for property and human life is something that has tried to instill in society. Unfortunately there is a part of society that did not want to learn and less to put into practice the word respect. Currently the offenses have increased dramatically, but the worst is now very little the respect for human life. There are many ways of crime, but each has different ways of punishment. The question is punishing the offender in the best way? These sentences are intended to prevent crime?

There are many types of crime. Some people do not often commit criminal acts but because of its irresponsibility kill other people. An example of this is the drunk drivers. To me a drunk and driving is a murderer. But I think people deserve the opportunity to live and change his addiction to alcohol, soothe prison if a good punishment for them. However, if they repeat their actions should not have mercy. That is worthy of only opportunity to be seized. Should go to jail, but not torture.

Today the prison is a way to punish offenders and criminals. But is this enough for people who would not or could adapt peacefully to society? Personally I think it is not good punishment only sentenced to many years in prison, because we know that the only punishment there is no get out. Otherwise criminals have food, bed, forms of recreation, and they not have to work for it. We could say that besides making suffer society lives at the expense of them. The prisons are maintained with taxes that all citizens pay.

Besides all this, the penalties are not even respected in their entirety. Many manage to leave half of his sentence, other sentences succeed puny compared to crimes they did. This may be happening, because, unfortunately, criminals increase and prison capacity decreases. I think the implementation of new forms of punishment would be a good way to stop crime. Many talk of the death penalty, but I personally believe that torture would be a far worse punishment.

Torture may be a better form of punishment. Although it violates human rights, we cannot consider both people did not consider others. Criminals do not think about the lives of others, or the family of the other ¿why society has to consider them? If the sentences were strong enough, the fear make that crimes decrease. I believe the theory "eye for eye, tooth for tooth" should apply to these people. It is clear that the current system to combat crime is not working.

Ethnic Conflicts

  Throughout human history, there have always been divisions group for different reasons. These divisions have led to fights and conflicts due to difference of interest. Ethnic conflict is a sociology term that is used to define any action or violent confrontation, both physical and verbal between two or more groups.  These groups can be defined by their culture, religion, geographic origin, race, and many other features. Ethnic conflicts has been a problem for humanity, because even have caused the loss of human lives.

    Today, we see as ethnic conflicts have increased, but this is a problem that has persisted since many years ago. Many scientists believe that Neanderthals, a species belonging to the genus homo and living in Europe and Asia be extinguished in a fight against Homo sapiens. Since then, the problems of race have been increasing over time, even more when it became popular the expansion of villages to form great empires. These ambitions caused the using force and violence to subdue other nations. Also, this situation brought the creation of other problems such as slavery.

    Unfortunately, though lands have been identified, this problem has not stopped. Today, we still see ethnic conflicts that are destroying lives. But we can say that today the situation has increased due to the lack of tolerance and respect for society. Many people look for any excuse to cause fights that end with dignity and even the lives of people. It is unfortunate how despite the progress of society continues to be brutal. We don’t have to go very far to see what I`m talking about, the conflict living Costa Rica and Nicaragua is an example of that.

  Unfortunately today any reason is used to generate violence. Many people fight and even kill by their difference of taste. That one would prefer the Rock and other pop, or if you're black or white, or if you are "Saprissistas" or "Liguistas” Any situation of difference is exploited to generate violence. We can then conclude that ethnic conflicts are caused by lack of tolerance in society. The question is, based on which we can define what are the tastes or patterns to follow? Why we cannot keep our taste and respect the others?

Although there are many reasons, the result is summarized in pain. Families suffer to see their dead loved ones; children suffer when they cannot defend their rights because of conflicts. The most regrettable thing is that this phenomenon is not going to stop because it is children who continue to see violence and violence learning. We must raise awareness; start at home to promote tolerance and equality. We are all people, we all have feelings and we all deserve respect.


Globalization of infectious diseases

An infectious disease is a disease caused by microorganisms, bacteria, viruses that enter the body and produces infection. There are many types of infectious diseases. The causes of infectious diseases are many and everyone is vulnerable to contracting this illness. The consequences are many, some minor but others can lead to death. Today these diseases are widespread and exist throughout the world.

Today, it is common to hear the term globalization, but we believe that the process of globalization is only the loss of identity and culture. This is not true, infectious diseases have also been globalized and there around the planet. Many countries are worried about breaking down barriers in order to increase trade, sales and profits, the problem is that not done with the care that should be done. Daily in countries enter contaminated products, people overseas and others who bring infectious diseases which are transmitted to people living in those countries.

There are many types of infectious diseases. Some of them are chicken pox, measles, flu and AIDS. The worrying thing is that every day there are new diseases and even more difficult to cure. For example, a study in United States has revealed that damage to the environment has led to a variety of infectious diseases. The worst of it is still damaging the environment so the process of creating new diseases will not stop.

The consequences of the globalization infectious diseases are many. The consequences of the spread of infectious diseases can be mild or severe, depending on the conditions of life of people and how countries are prepared to fight.  Enough to go a year ago, where the H1N1 virus killed many people in many parts of the world besides this disease is causing spend exorbitant amounts of money to fight this disease, so that public spending increases in the world.  It is important to realize this problem, because the loss of human life is not a situation to take lightly.

In this world should not only import barriers and walls down to grow, we must make our actions in good conscience. We have to be more careful about what we eat, if we have careful that measure can save our life.  Another step is that the government is taking care of properly especially airports and borders and the products and people that entering the country. Finally is very important care for the environment in order to protect the life of the planet and our lives

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Inmmigracion reasons and consequences

  Migration is the movement of people or animals from one location to another. Immigration is the entry into countries, especially developed countries, of people from other countries and cultures. Today immigration is a phenomenon that has grown and expanded around the world. When we listen and observe this phenomenon we ask, what are the reasons that lead people to leave their country of origin? What are the consequences for this phenomenon?

    Many people choose to risk their lives crossing rivers, deserts, seas and borders. Many people decide to go away from their families, friends and their own culture. But what reasons led them to risk their life and taking these risks? The causes are many, but basically it comes down to one which is to improve their living conditions. The current situation of certain countries have forced many people to seek countries to increase their ability to grow, although the price is often very high.
   Today many countries have difficult economic and social conditions. Especially in poor countries or poor development countries, where growth opportunities are only for a few. For example, situations such as unemployment, violence, high levels of hunger and poverty are causes of migration processes of people. On the other hand, developed countries, that provide greater employment opportunities, have better law enforcement have higher levels of immigration. All these factors encourage people to go to other countries, even when they can`t have a quiet life by the fear of being deported.

According to the UN, countries with higher levels of immigrants are the developed countries. According to recent data, these countries are the United States, Canada, UK, Italy, Germany and Australia. The highest authorities of these countries have said that such high levels of immigration are harmful to the country. Their reasons are that immigrants raise unemployment levels recipient countries and many immigrants do not respect the culture of the country and seek to live in their own way. But the biggest reason why immigration is considered a problem is because many immigrants come to make criminal acts, and with this increased violence, crime and public spending in these countries. For these reasons, countries have to put more security on its borders and many politicians are campaigning against immigrants.
    The causes and reasons of immigrants and host countries are understandable. But we must remember that these phenomena have been given because of the great process of globalization which we live. Process that developed countries have driven for their own growth. If all cherishing our culture and we lived happily with their always trying to improve society's thinking would be different. In short, we must remember that we are all human and we all live on the same planet. But above all, we must stop hurting us, we should instead try to help us each other.

Social network

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Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Acts of violence and wars are facts that have been part of the history of mankind Long time ago, more than you can imagine, it has shed blood for different reasons. The conquest of peoples, the theft of land and now theft of resources, struggles between countries and peoples of which very few understand the reasons. These and many more reasons have led human beings to create weapons and devices that may end up not only the lives of a few, but the lives of whole countries. The question is, worth the creation and maintenance of weapons that can destroy and cause pain to ourselves the human beings? Is it worth engaging in acts that violate the right to life to gain power? Apparently, meditate these situations is not among the plans of many people. Today, the proliferation of weapons has soared dramatically. Countries devote considerable resources in research and development of weapons. Honestly, I can´t understand the reason, it sounds illogical to imagine human beings creating devices for the destruction of human beings. However, many organizations like the UN, have made bilateral agreements and treaties between countries to reduce further the proliferation of weapons. For example the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (signed in 1968 and extended indefinitely in 1995). Unfortunately, there are plenty of weapons, mostly belonging to the United States and Russia, but many other developed countries try to enter this field. Today we need more tolerance and respect in order to have a better life.

My childhood and something else

Childhood is a very important part of the life of every human being. Everyone goes through the stage of being children, although not all live in the same way. Childhood, which is a education major step in human beings, ranging from born until approximately 12 years. Childhood is when you learn most of the things that we will use throughout life, for example as learning to communicate, to interact with others, to respect others, etc. In addition, childhood should be not only a learning stage also a time for fun. Being a child, where we test the patience of adults, is the perfect time to make antics.

I would like to talk a little bit of my childhood, which I think was productive and special. when I was little was a very passive and possibly a little shy. At school, though he was very intelligent, spoke little and was always very hard working. I remember once the teacher saw me as I talked to my mom and she told her that she was surprised because she did not know at how was my voice. Something that has not changed is the fact that I have always gotten along better with men than with women, I remember that most of my childhood friends were men and even today we are still very good friends. Where I live, there had many children of the same age and all of us gathered to play hidden and more.

My family is a small family, since childhood I've always lived with my grandmother, so it taught me respect for the elderly and a high value on family. Something curious is that although I had a brother and many neighbors, I had an imaginary friend. His name was Timmy, my mom told me that I always played with him and that one day I just came to tell her that he had died. Anyway, I think that I had a normal childhood, as live the great majority of people I know. It is regrettable that many children do not have that possibility and I sincerely hope a change in society to provide a better life for all children in the world

Fighting global warming

Global warming is the excessive increase in temperature of the earth, which has caused a rapid and uncontrollable climate change. Global warming is produced as a result of increased emissions of gases that cause the greenhouse. These gases that are mostly caused by humans are those who have endangered the life of the planet. For a long time we believed that the planet Earth was an infinite resource and indestructible, but the truth is that it is not. That we are wasting the planet's true, but what we are doing to allay the damage?

The consequences of this problem have been so great, that to minimize the damage has become a duty worldwide. SitioSol mentioned on its website some of the actions taken to combat global warming, however, put the Kyoto Protocol as the most important. In 1997 they met in the city of Japan called Kyoto, delegations from 35 industrialized countries, all reached an agreement to reduce in a period of 4 years gases emissions in their countries by 5%. This project has been very successful and has become almost a law that must comply all countries with based on their potential.

If we talk about measures to take, the British are the biggest example. Currently the government is working on implementing a project that reduced by 60% its greenhouse gases. It aims to limit greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. Julia Slingo director of the National Science Center atmosphere the UK, has been investigating for years the causes and consequences of global warming. She commented on the British project "With this bill on climate change, the United Kingdom leaves no doubt in his address to the nation and the rest of the world: the impulse to take action to address the problem is unavoidable" (Slingo). In Europe other countries like Spain have shown interest in combating this problem.

Latin America has not made a blind eye. Mexico has decided to adopt measures such as reforestation and boost renewable energy. Chile has been among the countries concerned and further contributions, has become the fifth country with more gas reduction. But not all countries are so aware; unfortunately there is a lot of people who do not mind the welfare of the planet. United States is the country that produces more greenhouse gases, however, has not wanted to join the Kyoto project. Americans know that if we do nothing, we can lose the planet.

I'm sure that everybody wants a good life. But for that we must protect the only place where we have for live. The care of the planet is not the duty of large industries; it is the duty of all. There is only one planet, and today technology allows us access to organic products. As citizens we have a duty to protect the planet. We must do it now before it's too late

Singleton, P. May 25th, 2007. Global task: STOP GLOBAL WARMINGDevelopment.IGLO. recuperado de 

Welcome Week held in ULACIT

January 25, 2011

Dear organizers:

The reason for this letter is to express my sincere opinion on the activities of the Welcome Week held in ULACIT the previous week. Each year, students started with new energy in session, and I think a good idea to carry out such activities. However, there are some pros and cons of such projects.

I think it is good that you want to include activities, with different views and different issues. It is always good for us as students learn about issues outside our field of study. In addition, we need to have time for relaxation and leisure. In this regard, the project meets many of the expectations

I should mention that I had the opportunity to attend the concert of the national group Escats. This was a good experience, because it allows us to spend time with nice music and also urges us to support local talent.

However, in most cases to attend these activities is quite difficult for us as students. It appears that these activities are designed for people who do not work or take a few subjects. In my case, the activities conflicted with my work and my classes. I know it is impossible to accommodate these activities for all students, but at least we should not be forced to attend them to perform an academic work.

Anyway, thanks for giving us the opportunity to enjoy activities that enrich us as people and students.

Human Rights and domestic Violence in Costa Rica

   Human Rights are powers that every human has and can´t give them up. Human rights do not classify age, religion, sex or nationality. No one can violate the rights of others, though of course this does not happen in practice. Even we have to see how people violate these rights and often do not receive any punishment. Costa Rica, was called a few days ago as the second most peaceful country in the world, but we can still see as some living situations of discrimination and violence remain, that we must try to eradicate all. We can´t fool us, we must be aware that we still live in a country of great violence and injustice.

    Violence is a behavior or action that may cause physical or psychological harm to others.  We live in a world where every day is given a lower value to life. Every day we see different forms of violence, some worse than others, but each of them affect humans beings. One of the most common forms of violence is domestic violence, which we define measures of physical and psychological abuse occurs within the home, where a family members are abusing one another. Domestic violence is a disease that produces different social problems, because the family is the foundation of society.

    To observe the seriousness of this problem we need not go very far, because in our country cases of domestic violence are alarming. According to a study by the Ministry of Health in 2001 43929 people, mostly women, requested measures of protection because they were suffering from domestic violence. The problem is compounded by certain social beliefs. Many people believe that violence is the fact physically hurt or injure, but also domestic violence refers to insults, shouts and situations that affect the mental part of the persons. These situations of violence, which all people do not feel as bad, are the ones to lead cases of beatings and killings.

    Family is the foundation of society, and is in violence homes where they are raising future adults and teenagers, so that violence becomes a repetitive cycle. In recent years Costa Rica, has attempted to lessen the problem, with some training and assistance programs. Domestic violence has many causes, for example, the economic aspect. That's why they have been given assistance to disadvantaged sectors of the country. But the problem will not stop until we realize that all are equal, and that my rights end where they start the others.