martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

Acts of violence and wars are facts that have been part of the history of mankind Long time ago, more than you can imagine, it has shed blood for different reasons. The conquest of peoples, the theft of land and now theft of resources, struggles between countries and peoples of which very few understand the reasons. These and many more reasons have led human beings to create weapons and devices that may end up not only the lives of a few, but the lives of whole countries. The question is, worth the creation and maintenance of weapons that can destroy and cause pain to ourselves the human beings? Is it worth engaging in acts that violate the right to life to gain power? Apparently, meditate these situations is not among the plans of many people. Today, the proliferation of weapons has soared dramatically. Countries devote considerable resources in research and development of weapons. Honestly, I can´t understand the reason, it sounds illogical to imagine human beings creating devices for the destruction of human beings. However, many organizations like the UN, have made bilateral agreements and treaties between countries to reduce further the proliferation of weapons. For example the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (signed in 1968 and extended indefinitely in 1995). Unfortunately, there are plenty of weapons, mostly belonging to the United States and Russia, but many other developed countries try to enter this field. Today we need more tolerance and respect in order to have a better life.

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